William Baude: Constitutional Liquidation
Michael Ramsey
William Baude (University of Chicago - Law School) has posted Constitutional Liquidation (71 Stanford Law Review (forthcoming 2019)) on SSRN. Here is the abstract:
James Madison wrote that the Constitution’s meaning could be “liquidated” and settled by practice. But the term “liquidation” is not widely known, and its precise meaning is not understood. This paper attempts to rediscover the concept of constitutional liquidation, and thereby provide a way to ground and understand the role of historical practice in constitutional law.
Constitutional liquidation had three key elements. First, there had to be a textual indeterminacy. Clear provisions could not be liquidated, because practice could “expound” the Constitution, but could not “alter” it. Second, there had to be a course of deliberate practice. This required repeated decisions that reflected constitutional reasoning. Third, that course of practice had to result in a constitutional settlement. This settlement was marked by two related ideas: acquiescence by the dissenting side, and “the public sanction” – a real or imputed popular ratification.
While this paper does not provide a full account of liquidation’s legal status at or after the Founding, liquidation is deeply connected to shared constitutional values. It provides a structured way for understanding the practice of departmentalism. It is analogous to Founding-era precedent, and could provide a salutary improvement over the modern doctrine of stare decisis. It is consistent with the core arguments for adhering to tradition. And it is less susceptible to some of the key criticisms against the more capacious use of historical practice.
(Via Volokh Conspiracy, where Professor Baude has some additional quotes and excerpts).
Mike Rappaport adds: This paper was given at the 8th Annual Originalist Works in Progress Conference. The video of the presentation, commentary and discussion is available at the Center's new youtube channel. Readers are encouraged to subscribe to the channel.